POUSSEletter 12: QVT and plants

POUSSEletter 12: QVT and plants

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    POUSSEletter 12: QVT and plants

    Welcome to POUSSEletter, the letter that cultivates your well-being at work.

    Each week, we share with you:
    🥰 1 inspiring and positive news
    🌱 A blog post
    🎤 1 resource to progress
    ✍️ 1 quote that nourishes
    ❓ 1 question to think about

    Reading time: 7 mins

    If you haven't already, you can:
    👉 Discover our space greening services .
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    Inspiring news: the launch of a job platform linked to the ecological transition

    The collective "For an ecological awakening" has just launched a platform called "For the job of tomorrow". From the end of the summer, it will offer jobs committed to social and ecological transition .

    In partnership with "Jobs that make sense", the collective has identified 15 key areas of this transition, ranging from energy renovation to public health. Each domain is accompanied by explanations to understand its role in the transition.

    The theme of the week

    How to transform QVT with plants

    The Quality of Life at Work (QVT) is a key element for the well-being of employees and the overall performance of a company.

    The integration of plants in the work environment is not only decorative, but contributes to the comfort and well-being of the teams . They improve air quality, reduce stress, promote creativity and contribute to a more serene working atmosphere.

    Find out how a touch of nature in the office can bring a real revolution in your professional daily life.

    The daily benefits of plants

    Plants have a multitude of benefits that contribute to improving our quality of life at work. Here are some of those benefits:

    • Improved air quality : Plants absorb pollutants, produce oxygen, thus improving the air quality in the work space. They help create a healthier working environment.
    • Stress reduction : Contact with nature has a soothing effect. Having plants in the workspace reduces stress levels and improves mood.
    • Increase in creativity : A work environment rich in plants stimulates creativity and innovation. Plants create a visually stimulating environment that can help unleash the creative potential of teams.
    • Noise reduction : Plants can help reduce noise in offices by absorbing and diffusing sound, contributing to a calmer and more focused work environment.
    • Improved productivity : The presence of plants in a workspace increases productivity. Employees working in a green environment tend to be more engaged and productive.

    👍 Questions to ask yourself before greening your offices :

    • What style do I want to give to my premises? Do you want a more minimalist environment with touches of green, or are you drawn to a lush space resembling an urban jungle?
    • Will I do the maintenance myself? If so, it is better to choose resistant plants that require little care. If, on the contrary, you plan to hire a professional service, you can consider a wider variety of plants, including those requiring more detailed care.

        👍 Tips:

        • Choose your plants wisely : not all of them are necessarily adapted to your environment. Some require a lot of natural light, others less. Similarly, some plants are more resistant than others to environmental stress (such as air conditioning or heating).
        • Provide a maintenance plan Whether you decide to do your own plant maintenance or hire a professional, it's important to have a regular maintenance plan. This includes regular watering, fertilizing and checking the health of your plants.
        • Incorporate plants into the layout : Rather than just placing pots of plants here and there, think about how you can incorporate plants into your overall office layout. Green walls, hanging plants and other options can create a more harmonious and aesthetically pleasing workspace.

        👍 To conclude:

        The integration of plants in the work environment can contribute significantly to improving the Quality of Life at Work (QVT). Plants promote relaxation, creativity, and productivity while helping to purify the air .

        It is therefore essential to take into account their specific needs and ensure adequate maintenance to take full advantage of them.

        So adopt the green touch, your workplace will only be more welcoming and your team more fulfilled and more productive.

        So, ready to bring nature into your offices ?

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            POUSSE talks about it

            In France, urban life is continuously expanding, and it is expected that 90% of French people will live in urban areas by 2050.

            This makes indoor nature spaces increasingly important.

            Parks and gardens are seen as a means of preserving biodiversity, but plants have an even more crucial role in the health of city dwellers.

            The World Health Organization recommends that each person has access to a minimum of 12 m² of natural space located less than 300 meters away.

            And if his reasons are not enough, or you need to convince your superior, here are 9 good reasons to adopt plants within your offices?

            Read the article

            In our ears

            PODCAST "My QVT idea"

            Episode: "CSR, a lever to give meaning to work" with François Garreau, head of the CSR mission at Generali

            In this 12-minute episode, François Garreau dissects corporate social responsibility.

            He explains how it can give real meaning to work, and shares emblematic projects as well as practical advice for involving employees . Do not miss this wealth of information to understand how to start an effective CSR policy .

              Listen to the podcast

              The quote of the week

              "Nature is the best medicine for serenity. To embrace it is to embrace beauty directly."
              -Amit Ray

              The question of the week

              ✍️ Do you think that introducing plants into your work environment can improve your well-being and productivity?

              Can't wait to read you!

              Answer to previous question

              ✍️ Do you know the term vagus nerve? If so, do you think that the contact of plants and plants can stimulate it? ✈️

              • Yes, I am convinced: 40% 🟠━━━━━━━━━━

              • No, I don't think so: 10% 🟡━

              • I need more info: 50% 🟢 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

                Thank you for reading the twelfth edition of POUSSEletter!
                See you here for the next one: POUSSEletter13

                The PUSH agency