POUSSEletter 8: renaturing cities

POUSSEletter 8: renaturing cities

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    POUSSEletter 8: renaturing cities

    Welcome to POUSSEletter, the letter that cultivates your well-being at work.

    Each week, we share with you:
    🥰 1 inspiring and positive news
    🌱 A blog post
    🎤 1 resource to progress
    ✍️ 1 quote that nourishes
    ❓ 1 question to think about

    Reading time: 4 mins

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    Wellness tip of the week

    City dwellers evolve day after day in asphalted and concrete spaces where nature cannot regain its rights.

    Problem: we are part of nature, and see that it is essential to our overall well-being.

    What you need: Spend a little time each day near a source of nature, whatever it is.

    Several options for city dwellers:

    • Make your apartment and your office a jungle (taking care of plants is therapeutic)
    • The lunch break at the park (there is bound to be one near your home or near your office)
    • A walk in the woods at the weekend (special mention for the Bois de Vincennes or the forest of Fontainebleau, for Parisians!)

    Try it, you tell us!

    The theme of the week


    It is an undeniable fact: biodiversity is declining sharply within cities, the effects of climate change (runoff, floods, urban heat islands) are increasing and health and well-being are deteriorating in metropolises.

    To counter these harmful effects, we speak of renaturation , that is to say of returning to the open ground, or even to the natural, agricultural or forest state. One-off initiatives are multiplying in France but are still struggling to become widespread.

    We also speak of disartificialization : a process that consists of reducing the human footprint on the environment by removing or reducing artificial elements in urban and natural spaces (shared gardens, removal of car parks in the city center or even the creation of roofs vegetated).

    At POUSSE, our mission is to reconnect city dwellers to nature, in all their living spaces.

    So how can we renature or disartificialize the city on our scale?

    We tell you everything.

    It inspires us

    To work in favor of the connection of men with nature, it appeared crucial to put in place tools to study this connection in order to understand its sources, dynamics and implications.

    That's why Reconnect To Nature created the first connection to nature barometer.

    Produced in partnership with the BVA research institute, this Barometer surveyed the citizens of 19 countries (i.e. 19,000 respondents) to concretely quantify their connection to nature, and identify its levers and factors.

    The objective was also to study the relevance of a major intuition according to which proximity to nature generated well-being in individuals .

    🌱 The results of the barometer:

    • 85% say they feel the need for more regular contact with nature.
    • 74% say that nature evokes a positive feeling for them personally.
    • The global average for connection to nature is 7.2.

    🤝 What we remember:

    • Beyond perceptions, the connection to nature has a positive and concrete impact on the daily well-being of citizens and on their confidence in the future.
    • The more citizens have inherited a taste for nature, the more they feel connected to it.

        POUSSE talks about it

        Re-nature your offices with POUSSE

        The greening of workspaces presents particular challenges, such as low light or the absence of outdoor spaces.

        At POUSSE, we offer solutions to renature offices by adding plants adapted to these particular conditions, innovative irrigation systems or even plant walls.

        The renaturation of offices reduces employee stress, improves their health, well-being and productivity, while contributing to the preservation of the environment.

        Read the article

        In our ears

        "Integrate nature into the city"

        Magali Reghezza, Alain Bublx and François Simon question the balance of power between city and nature throughout history.

        Historically, our Western cities are designed on the model of tearing away from nature. Today, we are witnessing a desire to return to nature in the city , which involves architectural projects, shared urban gardens, or eating organic. This desire for a return to nature questions us about our relationship to nature in a very broad way.

        What does this need of nature mean?

          Listen to the podcast

          The quote of the week

          " Adopt the rhythm of nature, its secret is patience ."
          - Ralph Waldo Emerson

          The question of the week


          Take the test here.

          To share your story, a thought, an advice, click on the "Reply" button. We will share our exchanges in the next POUSSEletter.

          Can't wait to read you!

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          Thank you for reading the eighth edition of POUSSEletter!
          See you here for the next one: POUSSEletter n°9

          The PUSH agency