POUSSEletter 2: beauty in the office

POUSSEletter 2: beauty in the office

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    POUSSEletter 2: beauty in the office

    Welcome to POUSSEletter, the letter that cultivates your well-being at work.

    Each week, we share with you:
    🥰 1 inspiring and positive news
    🌱 A blog post
    🎤 1 resource to progress
    ✍️ 1 quote that nourishes
    ❓ 1 question to think about

    Reading time: 4 mins

    If you haven't already, you can:
    👉 Discover our space greening services .
    👉 If someone forwarded this edition to you and you want to subscribe to POUSSEletter, click here .

    Before you start: alternate breathing

    1. Sit comfortably in your chair, feet firmly planted in the ground, hands on your thighs.
    2. Block your right nostril with your thumb and exhale slowly through your left nostril. Hold your breath for a second, then inhale through your left nostril. Next, block the left nostril with your ring finger and exhale slowly through the right nostril.
    3. Repeat the exercise 3 times, alternating nostrils with each inhale and exhale.

    The theme of the week


    We all know how a pleasant work environment has a positive impact on our productivity, creativity and general well-being.

    Biophilic design, which draws inspiration from nature to create greener and more welcoming workspaces, is an increasingly popular trend in the world of architecture and interior design. And at the POUSSE agency, it's not to displease us.

    Today we're going to explore how cultivating beauty in the workplace can improve our productivity, creativity, and personal fulfillment.

    It inspires us


    "Should our 'work' environment be different from the other spaces we inhabit?" is the question posed by the researchers behind the Human Spaces study .

    Unique in its kind, this study explores for the first time the relationship between psychological well-being, work environments and employee expectations on a global scale.

    We read this beautiful study for you. Here are some important findings:

    • It is obvious, in work environments, biophilic design has a significant and measurable effect on crucial elements, such as the well-being, productivity and creativity of employees ( +15% of their feeling of well-being; 6% more productive; 15% more creative ).
    • Globally, one-third of respondents say office design influences their decision to work for a company . Biophilic design is therefore an important advantage for companies that want to attract and recruit the best employees.
    • Despite the positive impact of nature, an impressive number of employees say they have little or no contact with nature in their work environment – ​​47% have little natural light and 58% have no indoor plants. (Yet, there are species of plants adapted to low light spaces, discover them here ).
    • Those who enter an office space that incorporates nature are more likely to feel happy and motivated about their work day .
    • Employers wishing to create better working environments and improve employee relations can add natural elements indoors and reap their benefits on employee attitudes.

    It's time to green my offices

    POUSSE talks about it


    Biophilic design isn't just about adding plants and greenery to a space. It's much more holistic than that.

    POUSSE deciphers for you the ins and outs of this design trend which is here to last.
    Read the article

    In our ears


    Jay Shetty is an English author, former Hindu monk and life coach. His podcast, "On Purpose," became the number one health podcast in the world according to Forbes (64 million downloads in its first year).
    In her interview with Dr. Rangan Chatterjee , Shetty gives practical advice to implement immediately to create a space where you feel better:

    "What we see, hear and smell has a huge impact on how we feel. We underestimate our senses because we rely on our eyes so much."

    • View
      What do you see in the office? A sanitized, soulless, untidy workspace? Shetty advises us to add decorative elements that inspire us and that we have intentionally chosen: plants , photos, art, quotes... The field is yours.
    • The smell
      Why do we feel instantly relaxed when entering a spa or getting a massage? That's because sandalwood, lavender, and eucalyptus are diffused through diffusers and candles, and it's an instant way to feel soothed.
      If you can't diffuse scents at work, put fresh flowers on your desk, light a scented candle, or smell essential oils directly from the bottle.
    • The sound
      What sounds calm you down? Animate you? Excessive noise can cause stress, anxiety, fatigue and trouble concentrating (this is the cognitive load ), while a pleasant sound environment can promote creativity and collaboration.
      Shetty advises listening to the sounds of nature, which are perfectly in tune with our body and mind. For that, nothing could be simpler: the nature playlists of Spotify or Deezer will do the trick.

    Listen to the podcast

    The quote of the week

    "Nature is our greatest source of inspiration for creating healthy and stimulating workspaces."
    -Oliver Heath

    The question of the week


    For Léa, our Communication Manager, what matters to feel good in the office is "a bright environment, minimalist decoration and plants" .

    For Thomas, our Landscape Designer, it's "being surrounded by plants" . And that's good, because the POUSSE office is a real greenhouse!

    We'd love to hear how you cultivate beauties at work. To share your story, a thought, an advice, click on the "Reply" button. We will share our exchanges in the next POUSSEletter.

    Can't wait to read you!

    Answer to previous question


    Jules and the 4-7-8 breathing technique
    "When I feel anxious, before an important meeting or a presentation for example, I always go back to the 4-7-8 breathing technique. I inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds . I start four times. It works every time!"

    Lucie and her ondamania
    If you don't know what an ondamania is, like us before writing this newsletter, click here . Does it make you nostalgic too? This is Lucie's technique for disconnecting in a fun way. Thank you Lucia!

    Thank you for reading the second edition of POUSSEletter!
    See you here for the next one: POUSSEletter n°3

    The PUSH agency