Indoor plants: decorative ideas for your walls

Indoor plants: decorative ideas for your walls

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    Indoor plants: decorative ideas for your walls
    Interior decoration is not only a matter of professionals, especially when it comes to dressing your walls with plants . No need to have invented the powder to achieve a good harmonization of the whole. Be aware that your choices in terms of plants to integrate are a matter of taste. Do not overlook that some are more comfortable in one place or stand out better in another. We are going to give you, through wise advice , some unstoppable tips . Here we go, take out your pencils and take good note.  

    The suspensions:

    They are almost essential to obtain a wild effect , not to mention that they leave free space on the ground. This is a highly appreciated advantage when you have a small home. We will take into account the ones we have, in order to show you the result.
    Zoé, for example, has no equal when it comes to attracting attention ! Angelic to perfection, she is a bewitcher who will make harmony reign wherever you place her.
    Inès for her part exudes from the outset, under her imposing exterior, a strong character but a simple interview. This philodendron nevertheless remains a most pleasant companion.  
    falling philodendron

    Ground plants :

    There are so many of them that, if we have to show you one example, the monstera is a wise choice. Lily Rose is of good composition, easy to maintain, it will bring a Jungle effect to your urban interior. Its freshness is undoubtedly its best asset, with delicately chiseled leaves and aerial roots. These last allow him to cling easily to the slightest support, so much so that making a tutor yourself is easy. A simple wire is enough to guide your plant along a wall, an effective way to direct its expansion.  
    Plant high: Lou is a Monstera Obliqua who, unlike her sister, stands on a high plane. However, its perforated foliage makes it a significant asset of charm, which will breathe an air of unstoppable exoticism into your room. For those who appreciate the retro style , know that this plant has only recently come out of the cupboards where it has been sleeping since the 80's. Like a survivor of the sixties era, it has remained hidden only to better amaze us now. A banal cord falling from a shelf and here it unfolds shamelessly .  
    monstera obliqua drooping plant

    Indoor trees :

    So here we are tackling heavy stuff and, if we take Melchior as an example , his only limit is the ceiling. This Ficus Lyrata is a prestigious piece, worthy of any designer wall decoration . On social networks this seducer is all the rage, proof that his presence will be noticed, no matter where you place him. Do not hesitate to consult its product sheet, you will discover many beautiful things about it ! In short, it is one of our centerpieces ...  
    ficus lyrata tree
    As there is no better company that cannot be left behind, we invite you to come and explore our universe.
    You will not leave unscathed, so plan big because your purchases are likely to exceed your forecasts. But don't panic, we are accommodating and, if we go by what our loyal customers say, very good advice. The spirit that drives us at Paris Pousse is our passion for plants, they are our little proteges and they are treated as such. When you come to adopt them, you quickly understand what makes all the difference