Maintenance sheet: The Cycas

Maintenance sheet: The Cycas

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    Maintenance sheet: The Cycas
    Resistant to perfection, the Cycas is a prodigious alternative to the palm tree, even to the fern. As original as it is easy to grow, it is one of the best-selling indoor plants and appreciated for its unusual aesthetics.
    It's not Max the hectic who will tell you the opposite, he who struts around shamelessly at POUSSE .


    Its elegant foliage contrasts with a thick trunk which gives it a touch of exoticism. This attractive plant will delight your home, whether in the living room, on the balcony or in your living room... as long as it's sunny, everything suits it!


    The Cycas requires good light, orient it so as to bring it the 20-25°C which is favorable to it. As a general rule the plant does not support the cold, except for the Cycas Revoluta which tolerates pressures which can go down from 0 to -10°C.


    This must not be excessive or too rare, hence the interest in finding a  happy medium. In summer, watering will be regular. Count once every 2-3 days, when the soil has dried out on the surface, for one every 15 days in winter.

    Cultivation errors

    Its biggest concern is being subjected to an excess of water or a lack of light. For indoor plants , an unusual yellowing of its foliage is a sign of drought. Regular vaporization is a good reflex to adopt.


    The Cycas Revoluta is hardly prone to diseases, however it can be prey to parasites, especially when it is young. Its main enemies are mealybugs , spider mites and small flies called thrips .
    • Consequences: These tiny mites parasitize plants, whether indoors or in the garden. By pumping their sap, they cause premature yellowing of its leaves and can go so far as to seriously damage its life.
    • Solution: If the infestation turns out to be very important, getting an acaricide will be the best treatment to adopt. Otherwise you can clean them using a cloth soaked in a mixture of 90° alcohol and beer or with soapy water.


    Planting in a pot: To ensure good health, install it comfortably in a container to its size, which you will fill with special potting soil for green or indoor plants. Avoid exposure to the blazing rays of the sun, under penalty of burning its foliage.
    1. To facilitate drainage, place small pebbles, gravel or clay balls at the bottom of its pot. You will choose one of good size, very wide and deep enough, to allow your Cycas to flourish in complete freedom.
    2. Regular top dressing is enough to meet its growing medium needs. Otherwise do not hesitate to repot it every 2 to 3 years, in the spring as it should. Opt for a mix of potting soil, sand and garden soil if it lives outdoors.
    3. Small suckers sometimes appear at the foot of a plant, these are babies that need to be replanted during the growing season. A little rooting hormone and they will become big, count anyway 9 to 18 months for rooting.

    Good to know: This imperturbable plant can live for a long time in a container but, particularly slow growing, its adult size rarely exceeds one meter in height. The proximity of animals is to be avoided because the cycad is toxic to them. However, it is a symbol of long life, and even a sacred plant in Asia, which is placed in front of the deities to attract favors.

    POUSSE, the plant architecture agency that reconnects your spaces in Lyon, Paris and Bordeaux to nature.
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