6 recommended fat-burning herbs

6 recommended fat-burning herbs

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    6 recommended fat-burning herbs
    Fat-burning plants are known to overcome those that you have accumulated, melting them as if by magic. It is a power that they hold naturally because, by attacking the fats stored in the body, they help to lose weight. Some are known for their ability to slow down the fat accumulation process , while others have a direct thermogenic power on the body. Each of them having predispositions to eliminate excess fat on different parts of the body, let's take a quick look at the most effective ones together.

    Plants with thermogenic effect stop calories

      1. Dandelion
        Not recommended in case of obstruction of the bile ducts or calculations, the dandelion has no equal as a fat-burner. By its stimulating and diuretic properties, it helps the body to expend energy by soliciting it. You can use it in herbal tea, decoction or tincture... Whatever its use, its benefits are renowned and have been since the dawn of time. Our grandmothers used it in salads, and we all know they knew it.
      2. The lemon tree
        OUR Alexine offers you a real vacuum cleaning, by stimulating your metabolism to eliminate fat present in your body. It is a citrus fruit that has reserves of vitamin C. Myth or reality, a fact remains, lemon is strongly recommended to fight superfluous fats, especially cellulite . It is a protector of your well-being, which abounds in all seasons, to be used as a drink and in many culinary recipes.
        lemon plant burns fat
      3. Mate
        Athletes, in particular, make good use of it, proof that its virtues are numerous and of the highest interest. It is a powerful thermogenic, in that it amplifies calorie expenditure. Comparable to Green Tea, its stimulating action on the physique is due to the moderate presence of caffeine... which consequently increases calorie expenditure . One of his main advantages is that it allows the elimination of water present under the skin.

    Plants to block and slow fat accumulation

      1. Rosemary
        By supporting the liver in its detoxification action, the Rosemary present in our Lilou aromatic herb basket, facilitates digestion and intestinal transit. If you want to lose weight in the belly , it is a powerful abdominal fat burner that will be your ally. During digestion, dietary fats are transformed into fatty acids, which promotes lipolysis and helps in the breakdown of lipids. It's simple as hello ! Gentlemen in particular will take note of it, to avoid an unsightly brioche.
        Rosemary burns fat
      2. The Kolatier
        Thanks to its high caffeine content, Kolatier is a plant that stimulates metabolism and lipolysis. It is a plant that burns fat which allows both to block the effects of accumulation. In pharmacology it comes in capsules of dry extract and its dosage is to be strictly observed. Due to its high concentration of caffeine side effects are to be feared. To be used sparingly in case of tachycardia, insomnia, migraines or hypertension.

    Recipe idea with Basil

    In its qualities as a special flat stomach fat burner and Anaca3, basil is reputed to be a 4-in-1 drainer . It is a shield to fight against diseases, such as diabetes, which brings flavor to food while being a powerful antioxidant. Thanks to its power of satiety, it helps in the weight loss process . It is better to eat it raw and fresh, or avoid cooking it for too long.
    Ava is our balcony vegetable garden at Paris-Pousse... Basil being one of its occupants, we have unearthed a recipe for you from behind the bundles!
    No need for advice from a starred chef, it's mega simple:
    • Take a puff pastry, organic please, prick there with your fork.
    • Spread a nice layer of mustard
    • Add a goudda mat
    • Cover everything with several slices of tomato
    • We put the pie in the oven , it's quite fast so watch the cooking
    • Add the basil at the very end
    Treat yourself !

    POUSSE, the plant architecture agency that reconnects your spaces in Lyon, Paris and Bordeaux to nature.
    Contact us: bonjour@pousse.fr