4 tips to prepare your garden for Spring

4 tips to prepare your garden for Spring

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    4 tips to prepare your garden for Spring
    To preserve the aesthetics of your green space, some maintenance tips will be useful
    Spring is finally here ! If the good weather is not quite there yet, you feel a desire to get down to business. But even if you have a green thumb, it's not given to everyone to know how and when to go about it. We will therefore base our advice by entering into the perspective of the famous manuals of the style " Maintaining your garden for dummies . It's effective and the process has proven itself, so let's keep it simple!
    1- Planting shrubs:
    We cannot recommend enough that you choose them according to their size! In your capacity as inhabitants of Paris or Ile-de-France, your garden does not need to look like those of Versailles. We will base our reflections on the beds or flowerbeds, without forgetting the vegetable garden which will be discussed later. Keep in mind that you most certainly do not want to devote more time to it than necessary. You will be grateful to us for favoring plants that require little maintenance , whether they are intended for your hedges or borders, choose easy-to-live-with shrubs such as star jasmine , eucalyptus or even olive trees.
    star jasmine garden
    Star Jasmine
    2- Weeds:
    To eliminate all those who will have the unfortunate idea of ​​inviting themselves where we do not expect them, hunt them down as you go. The sustainability of your plants depends on it because they can be smothered, so don't wait until their roots are buried too deep! Regular weeding will save you from devoting a whole weekend to it when the time comes, when they have invaded everything. The trick is that to spend less time there without getting overwhelmed, do it as often as possible.
    1 Organic weed control recipe:
    Take 1 kg of salt , dissolve it in 2 liters of water , as soon as the salt is almost dissolved, add 3 liters of white vinegar for a total of 5 liters of anti-grass.
    If you're feeling lazy, we have a ready-made product: ---> the organic weedkiller spray
    3- Maintenance schedule:
    The best is still to plan it, taking into account the period of size and function of the variety of your plants. You will gain to see more clearly to act in full knowledge of the facts. If you have mixed them with flowers, in order to allow others to flourish, think of ridding them of those which come to die. Patience and length of time will then be a real pleasure, provided you do not risk being overwhelmed to the point of getting tired! Plants especially need love, pay them attention and you will see them flourish.
    4- An ecosystem to observe:
    We are going to approach a phase which will seem to contradict our previous advice... Give your garden space and let it breathe, don't make it maintenance-wise! In balance with an ecosystem of which he holds the secret, he is a big boy who knows how to protect himself almost alone. Treat it as such too, apart from weeding and watching that it does not fall victim to diseases or insects, let it grow at its ease. Observe him but leave him certain initiatives! Avoid overloading it, by constantly changing its appearance, it will only be more resplendent.
    garden maintenance