Top 10 of the most depolluting plants

Top 10 of the most depolluting plants

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    Top 10 of the most depolluting plants

    Depolluting plants to clean up the atmosphere of our homes

    We all consider our habitat as a space where nothing can reach us, a cozy nest in which our home can flourish in complete comfort... and above all protected from pollution. Make no mistake because the one that reigns inside our homes can be the cause of many pathologies, such as asthma in particular, allergies or even cancer. A single motto therefore prevails, knowing your enemy to better fight him. Paris Pousse has selected for you 10 plants among the most depolluting but, before reading them, let's go to meet this real social phenomenon.
    How to sanitize with green plants ? In fact, it is NASA that tells us about it best and wisely! A great specialist in space travel, his goal is that one day humans will be able to live for the long term in an enclosed space. However, without possible ventilation, the quality of the air is quickly altered by volatile organic compounds , better known as VOCs. Since these toxic components are emitted by construction materials, cleaning products, combustion appliances and others, we cannot escape them.
    Obvious benefits for health: The best option being to eradicate all pollution in your home, if it is by adding green plants, do you know of the best way to combine business with pleasure? They have the skills required to considerably reduce the concentration of VOCs in interior spaces and, consequently, to purify the ambient air. It is photosynthesis that develops their ability to absorb polluting substances present in our environment. These are broken down and then metabolized to create energy, an action known as phytoremediation .
    depolluting plant

    TOP 10 of the most depolluting plants:

    • The Kentia palm : This plant should be installed in a freshly cleaned room, especially when the paint used contains Xylene. An equally effective palm in the fight against formaldehyde, which is found in building materials. It is a highly decorative indoor plant, effective against volatile products.
    • Sansevieria : More prosaically called mother-in-law's tongue, has a major asset due to its depolluting action on formaldehyde , trichlorethylene and benzene, among others. Against pathogens such as printer ink or tobacco fumes, this plant releases pure oxygen. Perfect for an office !
    Prickly pear : Various researches have shown that the prickly pear stems, fruit and seed are made up of carbohydrates. This gives the mucilage of these three fractions an effectiveness which can be compared to that of an industrial flocculant. An alternative in terms of wastewater treatment and elimination of bacteria.
    • Ficus Lyrata: In order to overcome the harmful effects of formaldehyde, a single day is enough for this variety to eliminate them by half. It is a chemical compound that is present in our interiors, emitted by, among other things, wrapping paper, insulation foam, carpet glue, etc. Also effective against pentachlorophenol fungicide.
    • Philodendron : Renowned for its depolluting properties , its effectiveness against industrial wood treatment products is unparalleled, by neutralizing formaldehyde and pentachlorophenol. It largely absorbs their health-damaging components, making it a highly recommended plant in any room with antique furniture.

    depolluting monstera

    5 plants to sanitize your room, deodorize it and refresh it

    They are numerous but the Cactus, whether placed near your television screen or a computer, holds the palm by protecting you from electromagnetic waves. Reality or urban legend, no study comes to support this fact. The fact remains that, if your bedroom also serves as an office , it is a most comforting natural touch.
    depolluting cactus
    To name the most well-known let's highlight mint , reputed to calm the nerves and relieve nausea; African violets, aesthetic and air-purifying ; Lavender , colored and fragrant, which acts against nervousness, stress and even anxiety... and our Aloe Vera , a real pharmacy in itself, recognized for its effectiveness in fighting dust mites.
    All our depolluting plants to discover here