POUSSEletter 10: biophilic design

POUSSEletter 10: biophilic design

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    POUSSEletter 10: biophilic design

    Welcome to POUSSEletter, the letter that cultivates your well-being at work.

    Each week, we share with you:
    🥰 1 inspiring and positive news
    🌱 A blog post
    🎤 1 resource to progress
    ✍️ 1 quote that nourishes
    ❓ 1 question to think about

    Reading time: 4 mins

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    Inspiring news: the reign of renewable energies is asserting itself in Europe

    During 2022, a crucial step was taken in the transition to more sustainable energy in Europe. According to a report by independent think tank Ember , for the first time, wind and solar power combined have surpassed gas in electricity generation .

    This is landmark news, highlighting our continent's growing commitment to the fight against climate change.

    The theme of the week

    Biophilic design at the service of quality of life at work

    The connection between nature and our working environments is not new, but it is far from being well integrated into most offices. According to Stephen R. Kellert, a specialist in biophilia, we are still far from fully understanding and applying the teachings of nature in our workspaces .

    Yet, in this era of companies seeking to attract environmentally conscious talent and battling mental health issues, the importance of biophilic design cannot be underestimated.

    Everyday biophilic design

    Biophilic design refers to our instinct to be drawn to all things living . It is the practice of arranging interior spaces taking into account this innate attraction for nature.

    This means integrating various natural elements into our offices - light, natural forms, plants, water, sounds, smells, etc. - for the purpose of promoting mental health.

    The positive impacts of this approach on the overall health of employees are undeniable. Not only does it help reduce stress and cognitive fatigue , but it also promotes a sense of well-being , a better perception of air quality, and a more positive relationship with management .

    👍 It questions us:

    The application of biophilic design in our workplaces raises important questions.

    • How can we reconcile our need for productivity with our innate desire for nature?
    • How can we change our corporate culture to embrace biophilic design and integrate it into our everyday work ?

    👍 Tips:

    • Understand employee needs : Survey your employees to understand their current working conditions and work environment expectations.
    • Apply the 3x20 rule : For employees working from home or spending long hours in front of a screen, encourage the application of the "3x20 rule": after 20 minutes spent in front of the computer, you must look at something natural from 20 meters away for 20 seconds
    • Incorporate natural elements into the home : Encourage employees to display pictures of nature in their homes, use natural sounds to create a calming atmosphere, and arrange plants around their workspace.
    • Investing in workplace health : Policy makers should view biophilic design as an investment, not an expense.

    👍 To conclude:

    Biophilic design goes far beyond simple integration of vegetation. It is a key element in supporting our well-being and maintaining our mental health .

    We share this Earth with other living beings, and it is time that we relearn how to live together, in harmony with nature.

    Both employer and employee have a role to play in integrating nature into their everyday environment .

    👍 To go further

    The theme of the week is inspired by the interview between Margaux Ruelle, a communication consultant committed to sustainable development, and Hubert Mansion, a recognized expert in biophilic design.

    Click here to read the full interview.

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        POUSSE talks about it

        Know biophilic design at your fingertips

        Biophilic design is a growing trend in workspace design . This approach emphasizes the connection of humans with nature by incorporating natural elements into interior spaces.

        The benefits of biophilic design for the health and well-being of employees have been scientifically proven. As a company specializing in the greening of workspaces, POUSS E is at the forefront of this trend.

        Read the article

        In our ears

        PODCAST The Smoothie by Raphaël Homat, professional mental trainer
        Biophilia: loving nature, loving the living

        In this short 7-minute episode, Raphaël immerses us in the proven impact of nature on our well-being, revealing how it can both reduce our stress and strengthen our immune system.

        The episode reveals how our links with nature can be restored, especially during the summer, inviting us to reconnect with the essentials.

          Listen to the podcast

          The quote of the week

          "We shape our buildings; they then shape us."
          - Winston Churchill

          The question of the week

          ✍️ Do you think biophilia can help improve your well-being at work?

          Can't wait to read you!

          Answer to previous question

          ✍️ Would you be ready to give up the plane to adopt a more eco-responsible way of traveling? ✈️

          • Yes: 47% 🟢━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

          • No: 39% 🟠━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

          • I haven't thought about it yet: 14% 🟡━━━━

            Thank you for reading the tenth edition of POUSSEletter!
            See you here for the next one: POUSSEletter 11

            The PUSH agency