5 tips for organic gardening

5 tips for organic gardening

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    5 tips for organic gardening
    (4mn15 of reading)
    In recent years, organic has been eaten in all sauces. You can find them almost everywhere, whether in specialized shops or in the appropriate section of your supermarket. However, very few seem to be really interested in organic gardening on their small plot of land, which is however in more ways than one rewarding. Whether in terms of untreated products or in terms of quality, everyone wins and finds their way.
    A brief overview is therefore in order!
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    1) To hell with pesticides: The goal is to carry out the cultivation of our plants or vegetables, without harming the well-being of the planet. To make homemade potting soil, nothing better has been found so far than grandmother's remedies. Coffee grounds, half mixed with garden soil, and you have an ingredient rich in fertilizers ready to use. Besides keeping snails and slugs at bay, a zest will boost your seeds to germinate in record time.

    organic gardener pesticide

    2) No more weedkillers: To avoid harming the fertility of the soil, white vinegar should never be used pure. Mix 100 ml in 2.5 liters of water, to which 500 grams of salt are added, and say goodbye to weeds. Spraying as soon as they appear is recommended, once faded, tear them off and you're done. You can pour the still boiling cooking water from the potatoes or pasta, it's almost as effective. Areas treated in this way will not require more, to the great advantage of everyone.

    3) Bet on compost: You can get it easily, by depositing your kitchen scraps or plant residues in a suitable place. This is essential to the good health of your land, whether you live in an apartment does not matter. Composters are, from a practical point of view, ideal in absolute terms. But if you are lucky enough to own land, a small unused space is enough to store your waste. Often called “black gold of the garden”, this natural fertilizer improves the quality of the soil while being beneficial to your plantations.

    compost-organic gardener

    4) Advocate biodiversity : In these times when we deplore the disappearance of many species of insects and animals, very useful in the garden, some of them are lacking. A balance that can easily be restored, in order to eliminate many pests. Earthworms and spiders can be scary, yet these species are as necessary in the garden as ladybugs, bees or other frogs and lizards... A friendly fauna is never too much! Don't hesitate to reserve a small corner for it that has remained wild, to set up feeders, a few nesting boxes and water points.


    5) Adopt mulching: It is a must in the organic garden which, in addition to promoting the spread of insects, prevents weeds from invading you. Even better ! It blocks the insect enemies of your plants, while saving water because its evaporation is slowed down. Spread it in a thick layer, made up of leftover mowing, chopped branches or cardboard. According to permaculturists a good mulch is worth ten waterings! , we take them at their word. Add to all this that it protects against freezing during the winter, you will opt for security.

    But do not hesitate to consult our article on everyday ecology , you will find tips that will help you in this eco-responsible approach. However, we are talking here about outdoor plantations, which may therefore require the advice of specialists in the field. Is not qualified who wants! Also insofar as we take care to surround ourselves with the best collaborators, advising you CmonJardinier.com is part of our selection criteria. Tell them about your needs online, in a few clicks you will find your gardening professional.