Winter care: Aloe Vera against the cold

Winter care: Aloe Vera against the cold

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    Winter care: Aloe Vera against the cold
    We at Paris Pousse never stop praising the virtues of Aloe Vera , but the list is very long to enumerate them all. So even if we have a little weakness for this superb plant, decorative as hell, it is to do it justice to put it regularly on the front of the stage. We will discuss today its propensities to protect us from the winter cold and how to achieve this.
    aloe vera cold treatment

    Face cream :

    Before considering drastic measures to repair skin burned by significant temperature drops, know that you can act by protecting it. However, traditional creams are mainly composed of water which, under the effect of intense cold, will make your face redden and cause tightness. Those containing Aloe Vera, in addition to avoiding such inconveniences, are made to repair the damage if necessary!

    Hydrate and revitalize:

    The pulp of an Aloe Vera is magical for nourishing but also soothing your skin when it has been weakened. It is its gel that serves as the basis for your cream, by the strength of the power of its active components. Whether it is day or night, to keep it supple and pretty, you are entitled to the full panoply: vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids... A miraculous plant, you are told!
    aloe vera gel

    Restorative power :

    Even the most damaged skin is entitled to the best treatment, thanks to its natural sugars and vitamins. We have the proof that a clinical study, carried out on severe burns, has demonstrated its effectiveness. This shows how active its action on lesions due to cold is. Even better ! During radiotherapy the skin is subjected to powerful radiation, it is then strongly advised to apply a cream with Aloe Vera .

    A homemade mask :

    Need a little cool break during the day, never mind in 2 minutes top time make yours in a Blender:
    1 - Mix 2 tablespoons of your Aloe Vera gel, you know the one you took care to collect, the pulp of half a cucumber... and you're done! You are ready for a moment of relaxation, dedicated to thinking only of yourself and feeling even more feminine (valid for these gentlemen).
    2 - Take care to spread the paste obtained on your face and neck, to apply on previously cleansed skin. A small series of behind the bundles or a good book in hand, slump on the sofa and in 30 minutes it's settled.
    3 - Just rinse with cool water and, without rubbing like crazy, dry your face with a soft towel. It is guaranteed on invoice, although here it is not expensive to pay!
    So ready to adopt an Aloe Vera and give it a space worthy of its rank? At the slightest frost he will be hard at work and, even more amazing, this extraordinary plant does not present any toxicity and is absolutely not allergenic. As long as you are content to use your facial treatment in local application, you do not have to fear the slightest contraindication.