office plants

office plants

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    office plants

    Whether you are in corporate offices, in a co-working space or at home, the atmosphere of your workplace is essential to your productivity. To make your workspace livelier, more zen and greener, bet on plants ! Decorative , they can create different atmospheres and even make you travel. In addition, they also have positive virtues on our body and our ecosystem. So, no more reason to switch from plants to the office .

    The benefits of indoor plants in the office

    Several studies have shown that the presence of green plants in our interior has direct effects on our mood . Capable of making your work environment more welcoming, relaxing or colorful , they help to increase your productivity by reducing your stress and stimulating your creativity.

    In addition, plants have proven depolluting properties . They are capable of absorbing the chemical components that make up the air, such as CO2, but also a whole host of pollutants contained in hygiene and household products or even in our fabrics. They also reduce the presence of dust, mold and other bacteria that increase the risk of allergies.

    For a healthy office , it is said that there should be one green plant for every three employees. We would say that it takes three per person minimum, but that's just us!

    Our selection of indoor plants for your office

    The aloe vera

    Known for its medicinal virtues, aloe vera is also a great plant to fight against air pollution but also against electromagnetic waves. Indeed, aloe vera is able to absorb large quantities of carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other harmful components contained in our cleaning products. In addition, it helps to attenuate the waves emanating from our electrical appliances, perfect in an environment with large numbers of computers, telephones and other printers. Very pretty and graphic , place your aloe vera near a window to give it light and water it about once a week, super easy, right?

    Ficus elastica robusta

    Better known as the rubber tree since it naturally produces the latex needed to make rubber, this popular ornamental tree is also a very powerful depolluting plant. Indeed, it is very effective in preventing the formation of mold and absorbing carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, particularly from wall, floor or ceiling coverings (insulation foams, paints, varnishes, etc.). The beautiful glossy green foliage of Ficus elastica will thrive in many offices since it is a hardy green plant that tolerates shade well and requires little care .


    Nicknamed " mother-in-law's tongue " because of its long, pointed leaves, sansevieria will energize your desk. In addition to its hair-raising look, it is a plant that makes you breathe. The sansevieria absorbs many harmful organic compounds such as benzene, toluene or trichlorethylene, contained among other things in printers or in the smell of tobacco . Perfect if you or one of your colleagues is a smoker. In exchange, it releases pure oxygen, a pretty good deal! Almost indestructible , the sansevieria is also ideal if you are afraid of not thinking about watering your plants because it does not like water very much, which in too much of it risks rotting it. One glass a month is enough for him. On the other hand, like many succulents, it likes light and will grow less quickly without being exposed to it.

    The cactus

    The cactus does not require much maintenance , it is enough to water it once a week from March to October and once a month from November to February. Moreover, it is the perfect ally for your office because it not only absorbs harmful particles present in the air but also the waves given off by electrical appliances . Be careful, however, not to put those that sting within reach or in a place of passage!


    In a dark office, ivy is the ideal plant since it only needs little light to grow. With its large vines, this hanging plant will give a jungle effect to your room: put it on a shelf above your desk or hang it on the wall or ceiling with a hook. In addition, ivy also has depolluting properties and gets rid of several harmful chemical components. Finally, super robust , it will not ask you too much work. In winter it will be enough to spray a little water with an atomizer to make him happy and the rest of the year, a little bath every week will allow him to continue to grow majestically.

    The Monstera

    Want to travel and getaway? The monstera with its large graphic leaves is the perfect plant for a tropical decoration . Super trendy on instagram, adopt it in its original form if you have enough space or for small offices, opt for a smaller and more discreet hanging monstera obliqua . In any case, the monstera is a plant that requires a lot of light but no direct sun. It is also a plant that requires regular maintenance both in terms of its watering (a glass of water per week + misting) and its care (cleaning its leaves to polish them, repotting...).

    The Zamioculcas

    Zamioculcas is a plant with leafy, fleshy and thick stems that will immediately give volume to your desk. Its sparkling green leaves bring a real touch of color and light. Relatively easy to maintain, however note that it needs good light to be happy next to the computer.


    Bring some sunshine into your office with a beautiful kentia palm . Its large fins will give you a taste of vacation and a goal to achieve! This palm is the most robust of its family. It requires little water and supports the lack of light surprisingly well. It also has depolluting virtues since its long leaves absorb various harmful components and thus help clean the air in your office .

    How to maintain your office plants?

    To maintain beautiful green plants in your office space, remember to maintain them. Put a little reminder in your professional calendar, take the opportunity to take a little break, develop a little ritual to start or end your week well... In any case, we remember that it is essential to water when the soil is at least 2cm dry (stick your finger in it to check or use a hygrometer to stay alert). Remember that we water more in summer than in winter. Also, regularly remove yellowed and faded leaves and repot your plant if it has exceeded the size of its pot.

    If you don't have a green thumb, opt for super easy-care plants that require little water and easily resist heat and lack of light (ideal if you're away, especially during the summer holidays). 'summer !).

    In any case, find out more about your plant and do not hesitate to ask us your questions !