Plants recommended when you have a cat

Plants recommended when you have a cat

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    Plants recommended when you have a cat
    Cats and plants don't always mix!
    Insofar as our friendly cats love to chew on them, plants can be harmful to them. Certainly we are committed to fitting out an interior as it should be, while taking particular care of our garden... but let's not forget that our cats are under our protection. They have the right to inspect our layouts, so let's learn to choose plants that are in line with the expectations of our roommates. And even if we are on the lookout for their comfort, let it be without having to worry about accidentally intoxicating them.
    plant and cat
    Let's take their needs into account: Whatever you do, your naughty kitten will want to eat your plants, it's a recurring need for him but which can be explained. Don't think for a moment that it's to make you go crazy, what interests him is to purge himself! The fibers that he ingests in this way guarantee him to evacuate the hairs that he swallows well in spite of himself by licking himself. It's silly as cabbage! Until you learn that it is a supplement to the diet of carnivores, you will understand that the folic acid and the fibers contained in plants are essential for its balance.
    Identifying well-being plants: Let's first learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, so as to keep the plants that are pleasant to you while keeping those with dangerous potential away. Instinctively these charming little devils will evolve by heading outside towards small plants, wild grasses and herbaceous plants. Hence the essential Tableau Lichen or the essential " catnip ", adapted to their needs for those who do not have access to a garden. No need to detail the components, there are some specially adapted to their needs in all pet shops & Co.
    Knowing that catmint , in other words catnip ( Nepeta cataria ) has euphoric properties on our felines is something to remember. It is the source of lots of purrs, kittens like to roll in it, soak it up, chew on it and lick it. As for learning that papyrus ( Cyperus papyrus ) is a safe houseplant for them is not without interest. By its enticing smell, kitties like to play with it or even consume it. Easy to take cuttings, you can reserve one for your animal while keeping its decorative function.
    plants and cat
    Identify toxic plants: It is said that the cat has nine lives, taking precautions is nevertheless a matter of understanding! You will quickly have noticed that our charming four-legged friends are far from being stupid, however they may very well be attracted to poisonous plants. These are shrewd, they are careful not to announce the color, to the great displeasure of the unconscious who wish to revel in it. Without throwing stones at them, we will retain the most dangerous ones... namely those indoors such as aloe, philodendron, amaryllis, yuccas, ficus, etc.
    On the other hand, the compositions contained in a Terrarium are without any danger, and for good reason! Just like the suspensions put out of their reach, such as Paris Pousse offers you . So even though cats rarely attack dangerous plants, sticking to the ones they prefer is a matter of common sense. Favor the growth even in the balcony of aromatic plants and grasses , two families of plants to favor and which can all be arranged in a planter. To avoid any overflow, place his favorite plant near his rest area, he will thank you for sure!
    Note that the c actus (not the euphorbias) in all its forms is depolluting and detoxifying, therefore harmless if ingested by your cat... and that the fruits of the nopal, or prickly pear, seem to hold the dragee high !
    Photo credit:
    by @kait_totter