Green detox: The benefits of celery juice

Green detox: The benefits of celery juice

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    Green detox: The benefits of celery juice
    As you will have understood in a previous article, our objective at the beginning of the year is to help you detoxify your body . By means of a healthy and adapted food, it is a whole panoply which comes to thwart the effects due to the excesses. Our vision of food is changing too, without going to extremes, let's learn to eat better! By using natural products, such as celery in this case, it is our health that we preserve.
    celery juice

    The Celery itself:

    In addition to being one of the lowest calorie foods, celery has extraordinary nutritional potential. Whether you prefer it rave or on the branch, each of its parts is infinitely versatile in the kitchen. Strong in taste, its association with other legumes is always very happy. So without neglecting its health benefits , do not hesitate to eat it until you are no longer hungry. The adage to consume in moderation has little currency here, and we will understand why!

    Its health benefits:

    Its high concentration of antioxidants makes it a master partner, a detox food that does not look like much but wreaks havoc on inflammation. As much for the skin as the health of our eyes, celery is just as beneficial to them. It is also a great protector of which free radicals, which damage the cells of our body, are very frightened. A formidable anti-ageing ally therefore, intended to preserve our energy heritage, goes straight to work.

    Diuretic & appetite suppressant:

    By providing nearly 20% of our potassium needs, the elimination of toxins is favored by this mineral. The kidneys come into action, forcibly limiting water retention, which is largely responsible for the formation of cellulite. But the miracle lies in the fact that its fibers quickly make you feel full, even more so if you take the time to chew well. In summary, celery fills you up in the long term and is eliminated almost just as quickly!

    Its other versions:

    For added effectiveness, you can take it in the form of cold-pressed juice. Thus Cave and Coconut offers you " a zest of madness and a concentrate of love ", an enticing program if ever there was one. Their philosophy is that healthy eating should " be fun, exciting, inspiring and above all effective ". Just hearing it makes us hungry, especially since their products are guaranteed free of chemicals or additives, gluten and sugar, etc. What pure and good what!
    homemade celery juice
    If eating it is still the best way to savor it, celery is not at the end of the surprises it has in store for us!
    It is not Anthony William , one of the precursors advocating healthy food, who will minimize its action. The medical profession is often forced to ignore, for lack of hindsight because they are unknown or misdiagnosed, the realities of certain conditions. Taking over, with a program that can solve problems in a natural way, is therefore attractive as hell. Lyme or autoimmune disease, neurological disorders or hormonal imbalance, colitis or hyperglycemia... everything passes under his eye trained by 25 years of experience, including chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.
    His book Medical Medium is on sale on the Net, you can discover here " The first 34 pages of the book "
    Cheers !
    celery juice