Care sheet: Cherry tomatoes

Care sheet: Cherry tomatoes

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    Care sheet: Cherry tomatoes
    Besides the cherry tomato is considered to be a candy vegetable, this plant native to South America produces small cluster fruits. It feeds greedily on the sun and the riches of our mother earth.
    It is in the balcony vegetable garden that Paris-Pousse offers it to you, damn well integrated within a group called AVA .
    This radiant fruit vegetable, which thrives both in the ground and in pots, is just as pleasant to look at as it is to taste. Especially since it is quite easy to grow, that's positive!
    - Maintenance sheet -
    ☀️ Exposure: This foot of cherry tomatoes can be exposed in full sun, it likes to be blushed under the heat of its rays.
    💧 Watering: This small fruit requires good regular watering, about 3 times a week, without its foliage being flooded. The best is a drip, which diffuses the water at its base, ideal especially for potted plants. To mulch the feet take advantage of the showers. From the moment the fruits grow, add a special organic tomato fertilizer once a month.
    Culture errors: The tomato being composed of 95% water, it is obvious that a rich soil is essential to it. If you don't provide enough nutrients it will become depleted, so adding manure or compost is wise. When you plant too tightly, there is a risk of disease, but here it all depends on your varieties.
    🤢 Diseases and pests:
    Mildew is its hereditary enemy, as for pests , beware of aphids and nematodes , they can quickly become invasive.
    Aphids are not the most dangerous, although their spread can become invasive . Instead, watch out for roundworms , which can attack young cherry tomato plants, and excess moisture in the spring.
    Consequences: The leaves turn brown because of too frequent watering, the pests for their part empty the substance.
    Solution: Spray Bordeaux mixture on the foliage to fight against mildew , and nettle manure to eliminate aphids and the like... or even install ladybugs, which will feast on these insects.
    🌱 How to repot Cherry Tomatoes:
    Planting in a container: Potted cherry tomatoes will find their account just as well as tomatoes in the ground. We will base our thoughts on this second aspect, because they are much easier to maintain installed on a terrace or your balcony.
    1. In order for its fruits to flourish at ease, once they have reached maturity, the plant needs space. Provide pots at least 60 cm high, offer it a good dose of enriched soil and install it at the foot of a trellis, sheltered from drafts. Water copiously when repotting, then mulch to maintain humidity.
    2. More resistant to drought than their big sisters, cherry tomatoes, do not forget to ensure regular watering, especially at the time of flowering. If the weather is good enough, you should harvest fruit about two months after repotting, enough to quench your thirst as soon as the first hot weather hits.
    3. The plants naturally form many stems, which it is not mandatory to pinch, do it anyway to control its bushy appearance. Since cherry tomatoes keep best on the tree, harvest them as they ripen. Cut the bunches, keeping a piece of stem for conservation.
    👍🏼 Good to know:
    The tomato is one of the most cultivated vegetables in the world, let it be said! To preserve all its strength, remove the shoots which have the annoying tendency to develop at the junction between a stem and the leaf. These gourmands feed on the contributions that should go to the fruits.
    Note: Basil is considered a friendly plant, which is good because it is its close neighbor in the planter offered at Paris Pousse . A delicious decoration, which you will enjoy serving directly on the plant for an aperitif J.