How do I dust my green plant?

How do I dust my green plant?

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    How do I dust my green plant?
    Your green plant looks gloomy and it drives you to despair, when it often only takes a good cleaning to restore its girlish complexion. Most of the time carrying out a regular dusting can save you this tedious task, provided you do it in time. Following a concept implying that it is better to maintain than to cure, let's take a look at the techniques to use to preserve their vitality. It's because we care about our little protected ones, so take note and fissa!
    Dust them off: Here is a preventive approach that everyone should tackle more or less regularly, by doing their housework for example. The dust that settles on the foliage accumulates and interferes with good photosynthesis. Passing a slightly dampened cloth above and below, preferably with non-calcareous water or rain, is the least that can be done. This is a proven technique that can save you a lot of hassle.
    Easy to say when caring for a Monstera or its friend the Sansevieria ! Their leaves are huge, so cleaning them is easy, as long as each plant has its own solution. Downy foliage or small sizes require more finesse, so a Cactus requires a touch of circumstance. A fluffy brush or a small brush, to pass delicately between the needles and the folds, will know how to give it back some hair.
    dusting green plant
    Clean them: So there is no question of skimping! If the weather conditions allow it, take your plants out at the slightest rain and you're done. Place them on the sill in the window, balcony or in the garden, but avoid stormy weather or temperatures below 18°C. Knowing that a shower can damage them if it is violent, do not leave them outside under the heat of the sun.
    green plant bath
    When you have to clean a Philodendron , it is better to resort to the good old methods . They have proven themselves and it is pleasant to have recourse to them. Who doesn't remember seeing their elders cleaning their plants with beer to make them shine? As for the vinegar , it neutralizes the limestone of the water used. Insofar as there is organic polish for green plants, everyone has their own opinion because all have their advantages.
    Get it going again: A green plant is much more resistant than you think, but if you've been slow to pamper it, it may end up withering away. Whatever the reasons, drought, frost or rot, if yours is only weakened, all hopes are allowed. Appearances are often deceiving, detecting the slightest trace of life will allow you to recover it. A serious diagnosis is then necessary, as well as drastic measures!
    how do i know if my green plant is dead
    Before going to extremes, leaving it in the composter, try to find out if a rescue operation is still possible. Eliminate its damaged parts, starting with the tip of the stems, then gradually approach the mother branch. As soon as you detect the slightest greenery inside, stop the operation, it is proof that your plant is not dead and is ready to go again. Arm yourself with patience, and a lot of love, after having repotted it as a precaution.