Care sheet: Cactus Euphorbia

Care sheet: Cactus Euphorbia

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    Care sheet: Cactus Euphorbia
    This week we're going to talk about our best-selling houseplant : the Sergio cactus.
    These cactus-like succulents are actually cactiform spurges , from the Latin name, Euphorbia Erythrea .

    How to distinguish a cactus from a cactiform euphorbia?

    The growing points

    Unlike euphorbia, cacti have areoles at the level of the epidermis, it looks like a small soft down (to be mistaken!) from which come the thorns, the flowers etc. Euphorbia has large thorns and at the onset of spring or summer has very elongated drop-shaped leaves that grow.

    Their toxicity

    Euphorbia produces a white latex which appears when broken, it is a toxic liquid due to the substances it contains. But keep calm, there is nothing to panic about, you have no reason to find yourself in contact with this liquid. Unless you jump on your euphorbia :)
    In the worst case, first thing to know:
    • Please don't scratch your eyes
    • Wash your hands well as it may cause skin irritation.

    Euphorbia cactus care sheet

    The maintenance of this spurge cactiform is very simple and it is a very nice gift idea for those who do not have a green thumb, here is the proof:


    Bright space but dreads direct sun


    From spring to summer, a little water from time to time, the equivalent of a glass of water per month is enough. From autumn to winter, the euphorbia is in a period of rest, put water on it once every 3 months.

    Cultivation errors

    The most common error is over-watering . If you see the cactus starting to mold, you've probably bathed it a little too much in water. Unfortunately, it is far too late to act. So water it moderately and in small doses.
    He does not like the cold , if you have decided during the summer to take him outside on your balcony or garden, beware of cool nights. It does not support a temperature below 8°C.
    Lack of ventilation can also cause gray rot (botrytis cinerea fungus) to appear. The cactus then begins to discolor and tends to blacken. Only one solution: ventilate.
    The lack of light is manifested by the thinning of your euphorbia. Its color will become light green and no longer dark green. One solution: move it and bring it closer to the light.

    Cacti and diseases

    The two main animal pests are scale insects and spider mites. They compete for the top of the ranking "Best attack of insects on plants".

    scale insects
    • These are insects that measure a few millimeters and are identifiable by their floury appearance and their white color. They are known to attach themselves to plants (leaves or stems) and feed on their sap.
    • Consequences: Hinders growth.
    • Solution : Rub the infected parts of the cactus with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
    red spiders
    • They are very small parasites that proliferate in hot and dry atmospheres. They can attack the plant until it destroys its buds. They are mainly found on plants grown indoors.
    • Consequences: End becomes greyish bruise.
    • Solutions : Basins / aeration / spraying of acaricidal products.

    How to repot a cactus?

    If you want to repot your euphorbia, needless to say, you will need to wear gloves.

    Using a knife, pass between the potting soil and the pot, as if unmolding a cake. Call on a colleague, one will have to hold the pot and the other (the one with the gloves) will take the cactus from its fairly low trunk. This is where the cactus is most robust and manageable. With the strength of your fingers and your arms, you should be able to get it out of its soil. Then place it above the new pot, be careful to keep your cactus straight when repotting, at the risk of having put in all the soil and ending up with a crooked cactus!

    How to make cactus cuttings?

    The best months for cuttings are from May to August.

    Hold a stem of your euphorbia with a newspaper, so as not to crush its thorns and to avoid stinging yourself. Then cut at the base of an offshoot with a sharp serrated knife or clean pruning shears. Water on the wounds will cause the white latex to coagulate. The cutting should be left to dry for a week, then placed on a pot containing cacti mix, slightly damp. When roots bud, the base of the cutting is buried. You can then water it once a month.

    Decoration ideas: the cactus indoors

    The cactiform spurge is a houseplant adopted by many people because while being very design, it brings a little greenery easy to maintain in urban environments.
    It's time for inspiration with the interiors of our favorite customers and bloggers.

    POUSSE, the plant architecture agency that reconnects your spaces in Lyon, Paris and Bordeaux to nature.
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