Well-being: Why put plants in your interior?

Well-being: Why put plants in your interior?

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    Well-being: Why put plants in your interior?
    Putting plants at home is, in addition to being a source of well-being, a design contribution that the most informed cannot do without. Comfort is certainly to be placed above all, especially since plants have many virtues to reveal to us, but that they are trendy is a plus not to be neglected. Through our articles we focus on these two aspects, while showing you the best way to take care of them. To be able to make your choice, we are going to remind you of a few principles to respect!
    Depollutants: We didn't invent anything! The majority of the selections were made on the basis of studies carried out by NASA in person. In space, everything counts, so combining air purification with medicinal properties is a wise choice. Knowing that the US government agency strongly recommends having one plant per 10 m² of living space is a plus that pleads in their favor. If you needed an excuse to furnish your interior without counting, this one is all found!
    What are they ? The Kentia palm, effective against volatile products, is effective in combating the formaldehyde present in building materials.
    The sansevieria for its part has a depolluting quality for all the components which are found in particular in an office. Its activity makes it possible to filter the pathogenic agents, to restore them in the form of pure oxygen.
    depolluting plant
    As for your room, if you have a television or even a computer there, you will not find anything like the cactus to do battle with electromagnetic waves.
    Where to find them? We have drawn up a non-exhaustive list at Paris Pousse, in order to designate those which are most conducive to providing you with the action best suited to each of your rooms. Some even have phonic properties, that is to say! Others allow your environment to receive the humidity it needs, clean it up while refreshing it and have a deodorizing action. Many qualities, in areas other than aesthetics, which have soothing virtues on stress, nervousness or anxieties.
    All have their own areas, you can find out about them in our Top 10 depolluting plants . Otherwise the variety of our active plants is to be discovered here

    Relaxation above all: We have not yet approached the inexhaustible source of relaxation, by the mere fact of taking care of it. Whether or not you have a green thumb, taking care of a plant and ensuring its good health is a guarantee of personal well-being. If we consider that we have all the accessories necessary for their maintenance on site, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss it.
    Our landscaping team is at your entire disposal to guide you, both in your choice and through expert advice via our online chat.

    Our Ravel & Fiberstone pots, for example, in which you can put all the plants you want, are available in many ways: Whether in terracotta or in the form of wicker baskets, natural fibers 100% ecological or coloured... each will be able to adapt to your standing. French pottery still has many beautiful days ahead of it to enchant you! Its design has nothing to envy to its own qualities, it will enhance your home with a very attractive personal touch.