Water your indoor plants

Water your indoor plants

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    Water your indoor plants

    To water or not to water? This is the existential question of all houseplant owners. If there is no precise rule for the watering of your indoor plants since it varies according to the humidity, the sunshine or the temperature of your rooms, we reveal in this article several tips for you. ensure the good health of your plants .

    Less is more: no overwatering

    Indoor plants are afraid, especially in winter, of excess water. Drowned, the plants rot. Thus, it is better to wait for the plants to show their need for water. The golden rule is to let the root ball dry between two waterings : touch it, if it is still fresh and sticky, do not water; if it is warm and dry, then you can water.

    When to water your plants?

    Listen to your plant! According to the seasons and periods , the water needs of your plant evolve. In winter , when plants are resting, you will generally need to slow down your watering, while in summer , especially during heat waves, you will need to increase it. The frequency of watering will also depend on the humidity in your room and the exposure of the plant.

    Water preferably in the morning in winter to avoid excess humidity and at the end of the day in summer to limit water evaporation. Use water at room temperature, neither too hot nor too cold. Finally, prefer low-calcareous water , either by collecting rainwater, which is more economical and ecological, or by letting the water settle a little in your watering can before using it.

    How to water your plants?

    watering plants indoor paris grows

    To water well, we water gently . Indeed, you want to avoid overflows which wash the plant of its minerals and will force you to give it more fertilizer later. Our tip: water in two stages . A first passage to moisten and a second to hydrate in depth. Thereafter, always ensure the proper flow of any potential overflow of water : empty the dish of your plant or let it drain in a sink, a shower or a bathtub... To ensure the proper drainage of your plant, n Do not forget a good layer of clay pebbles at the bottom of the pot when planting and repotting.

    If your plant is very dry, give it a bath by soaking its root ball in water. Fill a basin up to three-quarters of the root ball of your plant and let it soak until the surface soil is wet: the water will seep in from below and rise to the top by capillarity. Before putting your plant back in its place, let the excess moisture drain well.

    Tip: to keep the humidity in your plant and space out the waterings, cover your soil with coconut mulch , flax mulch or slate mulch depending on your plant and your style.

    How to water your plants if you go on vacation?

    Do not panic, your plants can quite survive an absence of several weeks. Just plan ahead by following our tips for preparing your vacation for your plants and using our solutions to preserve your plants while you're away .