Aloe vera with multiple benefits (gel & recipes)

Aloe vera with multiple benefits (gel & recipes)

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    Aloe vera with multiple benefits (gel & recipes)

    Aloe Vera and its multiple uses

    Besides being a perennial plant, with an undeniable decorative aspect, Aloe Vera has a thousand and one virtues and not the least. In the maintenance sheet dedicated to him, we noticed that his appearance gave him attractive effects. Its robustness is one of the assets that will make you lean to make your choice. As for its antibacterial and antioxidant properties, they are of those in front of which no one will remain indifferent.
    aloe vera health and beauty benefit
    Medicinal secrets of its gel
    Aloe Vera or Aloe grows without a stem, which makes it possible to collect in its green parts a pulp having the appearance of gel. Lighter in color than its foliage, it has healing properties, both externally and internally. The plant we use at Paris Pousse is Aloe Vera Barbadensis . It is a plant that relieves stomach cramps and other gastric ailments, promotes the elimination of toxins, heals burns, abrasions and eczema... but whose actions are such that it is strongly recommended to people with constipation, heart problems or allergies, as well as diabetics.
    How to extract its values?
    It is a product that has its cost, so learning how to recover its concentrate yourself is interesting from all points of view. After examining your Aloe Vera, make sure that its foot is muted, for this its green leaves must be within 20 cm in length. Using the whole plant is not useful, only take the amount of gel necessary, to allow it to regain strength afterward. Clean your branch, a sharp knife will help you cut the leaf lengthwise in half, then scrape with a spoon to slide the gel into a container, you can add water to it.
    How to store the gel?
    In the fridge, the aloe vera gel and juice only keep for a very short time. The ideal is therefore not to keep it natural, but to add, for example, vitamins C and E, which act as a preservative. On the other hand, the natural sugar contained in honey also makes it possible to lengthen the shelf life. Mix a dose of aloe vera with an equivalent quantity of honey: this preparation will keep more easily and the combination will be ideal for moisturizing the skin or hair.
    Benefits for face and hair
    Reputed to be a real fountain of youth by the Mayas, it is now established that Aloe Vera has multiple properties. Nevertheless, it was precursors such as Hippocrates, Aristotle or even Pliny the Elder who discovered its medicinal qualities. The pulp in particular has dermatological, anesthetic, healing, haemostatic, anti-inflammatory, nourishing and soothing properties. A large part of its effects consists of rapid healing of traumatic skin pathologies and restoring the balance of regenerating functions. For the hair it is the same, its flesh allows to preserve their shine, while making them solid and strong.

    2 health & beauty recipes

    Drinks based on Aloe Vera:
    For a homemade recipe, the syrup made from this plant has the advantage of retaining all the qualities for internal use. After cutting the leaf lengthwise, simply scoop out the pulp with a small spoon. It can be consumed as it is in the moment, or be blended and then mixed with fruit juice.
    You can also keep it in syrup form , by mixing
    500 grams of flesh to 250 grams of honey. According to your desires add 2 spoonfuls of whisky, cognac, brandy or rum, and take a dose of the cocktail before each meal.
    Face or body cream:
    You can make your homemade moisturizer, by mixing Aloe Vera with corn starch and virgin oil, especially nigella. It is a parade against all risks linked to toxic substances that industrial products may contain: softeners for the skin (emollients), antioxidants or preservatives. By shaking it regularly you can keep it for three months, which corresponds to the maximum duration of use of Aloe Vera gel . Preservatives are useless, this cosmetic product already stabilized as such does not harbor any toxicity.
    To acquire, you too your aloe vera, it's here